Just The FAQs
- What does PAZSAZ mean and how do you pronounce that?
- When and why did the Pazsaz Entertainment Network begin?
- How may I contact the Pazsaz Entertainment Network?
- Why didn't you answer the email I sent you?
- I received an email from you that had an attachment/virus/worm/spam. Why are you sending me that?
- Why do you have advertising, affiliations, and other means of revenue generating on your site?
- Do you wish to purchase advertising space on our web site?
- What tools do you use in making your web site?
- What is your relationship to the television series, films, and books on your site?
- Where do you get the information listed on your site?
- May I use the images and/or information from your site on my web page?
- May I use the images information from your site to represent an item I am selling in an auction?
- Will you give me the producer/actor/actress/author/director's address?
- Will you send me an autograph or autographed picture of an actor/actress from a particular show?
- Will you sell or trade the television episodes of the shows you have listed on your site?
- Will you sell or trade the books, video games, toys, or other materials you have listed on your site?
- I am looking for a specific recipe. Will you send it to me?
- Why isn't there a page for my favorite show?
- When is the show on next? What channel is it playing on in my area?
- Has my favorite television show been cancelled? Which television series are currently on? What new television shows are coming?
- Why do you have your television series divided into different sections like Superhero Cartoon Shows, Toonrific Shows, Anime Shows, TV Sci-Fi & Fantasy Shows, Hip TV Shows, or Saturday Adventure Shows?
- Another site lists the episodes in a different order than you, although they list them with the same original air dates as you. Which is the correct order?
- How often are the pages within your site updated?
- May I link to your site?
- I have additional information on a television show for which you have a page. Can I send it to you?
- Do you know who did the voice of this character, who played this part, what planet this cartoon character is from, etc...?
- I have a page with a television show or a book series you don't have. Can I add my page to your site?
- I taped the episodes of a series on a different day than the airdates you have listed. How can this be?
- I see shows listed in your database with current dates, yet I cannot find it playing anywhere. Why is that?
- I have found a broken link to one of your pages. What should I do?
- I have found an error in your pages. What should I do?
- May I advertise on your site?
- I notice you sell books, videos, and other merchandise through your site, yet when I click on the link I go somewhere else. Why is this?
- Do you want to make a deal that benefits both of us? I'll put your webpage link in my site, if you put my webpage link in your site.
- Can you give me some additional information for my show that is not on your web site?
- Will you send me pictures of an actor/actress/author?
- Will you send me pictures for the cartoons on your site?
- Will you send me free books/videos/DVDs/CDs? I am too poor/far from the store/young to buy them myself.
- Will you give me access to your web pages so I can update them for you?
- Can I get a web page of my own in your domain?
- Can you confirm this rumor for me?
Just The Answers
- Question: What does PAZSAZ mean and how do you pronounce that?
Answer: PAZSAZ are the initials of the original founders of the site and the online name used by them for many years. It is pronounced the same way as the word "pizzazz".
- Question: When and why did the Pazsaz Entertainment Network begin?
Answer: The Pazsaz Entertainment Network was created by a husband and wife team, then quickly expanded when their children became involved in the site as well. The site officially went online in January 1991 after several people requested that the various recipes and cartoon lists in our possession be made available to them. As more information became available, and more sections were added, the site grew from the original two pages to its current size of over 3500 pages. In 1997 the domain pazsaz.com was registered for the site and has been used since that time.
- Question: How may I contact the Pazsaz Entertainment Network?
Answer: The best way is through email. You may send an email for general inquiries. We do not have regular office hours, so contact by regular mail or telephone is not available at this time.
NOTE: This site is NOT an official site for any of the shows, movies, books, cartoons, or other items found on the site.
- Question: Why didn't you answer the email I sent you?
Answer: We do answer most email sent to us. The exception to that is SPAM, which is immediately dealt immediately and severely through the use of any legal means necessary. Additionally, if an email includes a virus, intentional or not, it will be immediately deleted upon detection by our software and not opened or read. The system administrator from where the spam or virus originated will be notified and the email address will be blocked. Additionally, any harrassing or menacing email will be turned over to our legal department and the appropriate law enforcement agency contacted, and any future email from that individual will be deleted unopened.
We do receive several hundred email a day. Sometimes your reply will be sent within minutes of receiving your email, sometimes it will take a few days, depending on how busy we are, what other projects we are working on, and what day of the week it is. If it has been over a week and you have not received a reply, most likely we sent one and it did not reach you. The most common cause of this is that the email address in the email you sent us was invalid and the reply we sent you was returned to us. Check your email settings in your email program, especially any "reply-to" addresses you may have set, and email us again.
- Question: I received an email from you that had an attachment/virus/worm/spam. Why are you sending me that?
Answer:Many viruses and worms use a technique known as "spoofing," by which the worm randomly selects an email address it finds on an infected computer. The worm uses this address as the "From" address when it performs its mass-mailing routine. Numerous cases have been reported in which users of uninfected computers received complaints that they sent an infected message to another individual. As a large and well-known site, this happens to us on a regular basis. We have the strongest antivirus software available and keep our definitions current. We do not send any attachments in our emails, are stong advocates against spam, and have never sent a worm or virus to anyone. Contact your system administator if you receive and email from any address at pazsaz.com with an attachment/virus/worm/spam. They can trace the actual source of the email and let that system's administrator know.
For example, Smith is using a computer infected with W32.Sobig.F@mm. is neither using an antivirus program nor has the current virus definitions. When W32.Sobig.F@mm performs its email routine, it finds the email address of Jim Miller. The worm inserts Jim's email address into the "From" portion of an infected message, which it then sends to Nancy Brown. Then, Nancy contacts Jim and complains that he sent her an infected message; however, when Jim scans his computer, his antivirus does not find anything, because his computer is not infected.
- Question: Why do you have advertising, affiliations, and other means of revenue generating on your site?
Answer:Operating and maintaining a site of this size is very expensive. What revenue we do manage to generate from the site does not even come close to covering its monthly operating costs. The people involved with the day-to-day site operation do not draw any sort of salary from it and, in fact, must spend their own money on it every month, in addition to a multitude of hours, to keep it going. Advertising, affiliations, and other revenue generating items throughout the site are an attempt to make the site self-sufficient and not cost its operators as much every month. If you are an advertiser and wish to advertise on this site, go here with your specific information.
If you would like to help support the Pazsaz Entertainment Network by sending a check or money order, the mailing address is:
Pazsaz Entertainment Network
PO Box 209
Santa Monica, CA 90406
- Question: Do you wish to purchase advertising space on our web site?
Answer: At this point the Pazsaz Entertainment Networks costs us more to run than it generates each month, so we have no advertising budget. We do appreciate that buying advertising would give us more exposure online, but until the site is self-sufficient we do not have the budget to purchase advertising.
- Question: What tools do you use in making your web site?
Answer: While we do most of our HTML coding by hand in notepad, when dealing with a large volume of pages we have found it is easier to use a web page editor. For those times, we prefer Hot Dog as our editor of choice and we use PhotoShop for graphics.
- Question: What is your relationship to the television series, films, and books on your site?
Answer: We have no relationship to them in any way. We have no affiliation with any show, book, video game, company, character, its production, distribution, or airing in any way. We are fans of the material and have made an unofficial web site about it.
- Question: Where do you get the information listed on your site?
Answer: We get it from a variety of sources: our own video collections, producers, directors, actors, actresses, networks, and other people associated with a television series, book authors, book publishers, and series collectors have all contributed material to our site. We also get it from magazines such as Daily Variety and billboard, newspapers such as The New York Times, TV Guide and Excite TV. We have a few regular contributors to our site, to whom we are eternally grateful, that provide us with valuable information as well. Often fans of the shows we feature will send us information. If we are unable to verify the information with a reputable source, it will not be used. No matter how many times you send it to us, unless we can verify the information it will not go on the site.
- Question: May I use the images and/or information from your site on my web page?
Answer: Several thousand hours have gone into making the images and researching the information on our site. Please do your own work for your web page. If everyone used our information, all the sites on the topic would be the same and what would be the point? See our copyright information for complete details on use of the information from our site.
- Question: May I use the images and/or information from your site to represent an item I am selling in an auction?
Answer: We're sorry, but no. You may not use the images form our site in any way, whether you serve them from our server or copy them to your own. See our copyright information for complete details on use of the information from our site.
- Question: Will you give me the producer/actor/actress/author/director's address?
Answer: As an unofficial site about the show, film, or book we do not have that information and therefore cannot give it to you. We are often contacted by official sources from shows or publishers with information, but are asked to keep their information confidential.
- Question: Will you send me an autograph or autographed picture of an actor/actress from a particular show?
Answer: We are unable to do so. As an unofficial site about the show we do not have access to autographs or autographed pictures of the actors and actresses from them.
- Question: Will you sell or trade the television episodes of the shows you have listed on your site?
Answer: If there is a copy of the episode available for sale through our site, it will have a link by its episode title for you to follow. We ONLY sell legitimate, commercial videos. Due to the volume of requests we receive, we do not have the time or ability to trade tapes. However, you can check if anyone else has it for trade through the alt.video.tape-trading or rec.arts.tv newsgroups for US shows, and the rec.arts.tv.uk newsgroup for UK shows. These are NEWSGROUPS, not web sites. If you do not know what a newsgroup is, or how to access one, contact your ISP or system administrator for help. The Pazsaz Entertainment Network is not affiliated with any of these newsgroups and does not read them, so we cannot guarantee that anyone there will have a copy of your television show.
- Question: Will you sell or trade the books, video games, toys, or other materials you have listed on your site?
Answer: We do have links to buy many of the books, video games, toys, or other materials on our site. If there is no link next to its title, we do not have it available for sale. We do not trade books, video games, toys, or other materials and only sell legitimately sold items.
- Question: I am looking for a specific recipe. Will you send it to me?
Answer: Due to the volume of requests we receive each day, we are unable to send specific recipes to people. You can search our site for a particular recipe, or recipes using a particular food, using the search box found at the bottom of every page within our site. Simply type it in and a list of links to the pages containing it will be generated.
- Question: Why isn't there a page for my favorite show?
Answer: We always have a list of series we are currently researching and/or haven't had time to get to yet. It's a pretty safe bet your show is on our list. We may not have been able to find enough (or any) information on it and it stays on the list until we do. If you are concerned your show is not on the list to be researched, email us and we will add it. There are many shows that have been on the list for quite some time due to unavailable material about them. If and when we do find information about them we will add them to our site.
Note: Having all your friends send us hundreds of emails daily demanding we add the show will not make it appear any sooner on our site than does one single email. This will only make us waste our valuable research time on email and it will take much longer for us to get to your show.
- Question: When is the show on next? What channel is it playing on in my area?
Answer: While we do update our pages often and try to have future airing dates on them, we don't always know when a show is airing next and when it airs in your area. Check your local listings for that information.
- Question: Has my favorite television show been cancelled? Which television series are currently on? What new television shows are coming?
- Question: Why do you have your television series divided into different sections like Superhero Cartoon Shows, Toonrific Shows, Anime Shows, TV Sci-Fi & Fantasy Shows, Hip TV Shows, or Saturday Adventure Shows?
Answer: We have grouped the series by genre and/or style as we have added a new group of them. If you are looking for a complete listing of every television series we have on our site in one place, try the TV Titles index.
- Question: Another site lists the episodes in a different order than you, although they list them with the same original air dates as you. Which is the correct order?
Answer: Both are listed in the correct order. Some sites list episodes in production order, that is the order in which the episodes were made. Other sites, including ours, list episodes in airing order, that is by the date on which the episode actually showed on television. We made this decision based upon the principle that if the production company and/or network showed them in a certain order, then they meant for the audience to see them in that order, and it is the order in which they would be taped. Additionally, production order is not always available for every series.
- Question: How often are the pages within your site updated?
Answer: It varies depending on the page and its content. Television show pages are updated weekly when new episodes are airing and not updated at all when they are in reruns, as there is nothing new to add. The news pages are updated as news happens, at least weekly. Most of our other pages are updated every week.
- Question: May I link to your site?
Answer: We are happy for you to link to us from your web site if you publish a legitimate informational web site that covers the same entertainment or cooking topics we do. If this descriptions applies to you, you are welcome to link to us without seeking our permission first, and you may link to our home page or any of our specific web pages (we take great care to ensure our page URLs do not change over time).
- Question: I have additional information on a television show for which you have a page. Can I send it to you?
Answer: Please do! Send it to us if you would like it included on the site. We gratefully appreciate all contributions from people and use any appropriate material on our site.
- Question: Do you know who did the voice of this character, who played this part, what planet this cartoon character is from, etc...?
Answer: Email us and ask. Everyone here is a fan of some element of the site (which is why they do this) and between us we have a lot of knowledge and access to a lot of resources. We will give you the answer if we know it. We'll also tell you if we don't know or can't find the answer.
- Question: I have a page with a television show or a book series you don't have. Can I add my page to your site?
Answer: No, we're sorry but because of copyright rules and restrictions we do not do that. All pages within this site were done by us, or formatted for us, and we plan to keep it that way.
- Question: I taped the episodes of a series on a different day than the airdates you have listed. How can this be?
Answer: Television series that show in syndication are aired at a different day and time throughout the country, depending upon when the station that bought them wishes to air them. Check your local listings for the day and time they are showing in your area.
- Question: I see shows listed in your database with current dates, yet I cannot find it playing anywhere. Why is that?
Answer: Not all syndicated shows are carried in all areas. If no station in your area wanted to buy the series, it will not air in your area.
- Question: I have found a broken link to one of your pages. What should I do?
Answer: If you get an error telling you the page you requested could not be found (Not Found), remember that the usual cause for this is an out of date link on another site or people manually changing or mistyping a valid URL. Please do not email us to say you've found a broken link from another site, as we can only fix a link if it is on our own site. If you find a broken URL on one of our pages, please report it. Please tell us on which of our pages the broken link can be found and we will fix it. Often our affiliates change their links or discontinue items without telling us and we do not find out until our monthly reports. If you find a broken link or an error page for an item for sale through one of our pages, please let us know so we can find out if there is another URL for it, or so we can remove it if the link is out of date.
- Question: I have found an error in your pages. What should I do?
Answer: PLEASE email us with the incorrect information and what you think it should be. We will research it and be glad to correct it if it is wrong. Every effort is taken to ensure the accuracy of our pages, but we are only human. We always appreciate it when you point out a typo or mistake to us.
NOTE: Please be aware that most of the mistakes are unintentional typos. Sending us an angry, rude 3 page tirade because we forgot an "e" at the end of a star's name, or we had an original air date of 4/3/1987 instead of 4/13/1987 for an episode, will send that email immediately to the end of the email queue. Since we receive several hundred email daily, this will mean the correction will not get done with any haste, if at all. A simple note with the information is all that is necessary and will see that the correction is done quickly.
- Question: May I advertise on your site?
Answer: Yes. We do offer banner advertising on our pages, on a per-page and package basis. Generally our site's advertising is booked months in advance. Look at our advertising page for more information. We are a family-oriented site and accept no advertising for adult-oriented material.
- Question: I notice you sell books, videos, video games, toys, and other merchandise through your site, yet when I click on the link I go somewhere else. Why is this?
Answer: As our site became larger, the number of requests we would get for books, videos, cookbooks, and other related merchandise grew. We do not have the time or space to sell these items directly, so we have become affiliated with select companies that carry merchandise related to our pages. We get a small percentage from them for having you follow their link from our page, you can easily find what you are looking for without having to search the Internet, and they get your business. Everyone wins!
- Question: Do you want to make a deal that benefits both of us? I'll put your webpage link in my site, if you put my webpage link in your site.
Answer: We get over 50 email a day that start like this. I'm sorry but NO. We are not going to add a link to it, no matter how much you think it would benefit either of us.
- Question: Can you give me some additional information for my show that is not on your web site?
Answer: We have put all the information we currently have on a particular series on its page. As new information is located, we will add it to that show's page.
- Question: Will you send me pictures of an actor/actress/author?
Answer: We do not have pictures of actors, actresses, or authors except in the instances when they send them to us. Those pictures, if applicable, are placed on the appropriate pages. Photos sent to us from sources other than the actor, actress, or author themselves are not used and those emails are deleted.
- Question: Will you send me pictures for the cartoons on your site?
Answer: If we have a picture for a cartoon it will be on its web page and you can save or print it, for your own personal use only. We do not have any additional images to send you.
- Question: Will you send me free books/videos/DVDs/CDs? I am too poor/far from the store/young to buy them myself.
Answer: The items we sell through our site come from another company and if we want them, we have to buy them just like you for the exact same price as you. We do not get them free ourselves, or even at a discount, so in order to send you free items we would have to pay for them out of our own pocket. As for you being too poor to buy it - you can afford a computer and an Internet account, but can't afford a book, video, DVD, or CD? Highly unlikely. Since the beauty of the Internet is that you can order things and have them delivered, being too far from a store is not an issue. And if you are too young to buy something, we would most definitely NOT provide it to you even if we had free things to give away.
- Question: Will you give me access to your web pages so I can update them for you?
Answer: We get several of these emails a month and are amazed that someone would even ask this question. Are there any sites on the Internet that give out passwords and access to their pages to total strangers????
NO ONE outside the Pazsaz Entertainment Network has, or will ever have, the ability to edit, add to, delete from, or alter the web site in any way. In fact, only a few people within the organization have that level of access. Just a few of the reasons on our very long list of why are: security issues, content responsibility, advertisers, copyrights, viruses, and personal integrity.
- Question: Can I get a web page of my own in your domain?
Answer: Sorry, no. We don't do that. All the content, information, and pages on our site are part of the Pazsaz Entertainment Network and owned and produced solely by it. There are many free web page sites on the Internet where you may get your own web page.
- Question: Can you confirm this rumor for me?
Answer: We will make an attempt to find out if the rumor you have heard is true or not and let you know. Often there is no way to find out, as the rumor involves a property whose owner is no longer in business in which case we will let you know that as well.
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